It seems I've been made into a licensed Wheel of time artist! Both Seamas and I have received the honor of being able to help illustrate the world of the Wheel of Time, and as a result we get to sell prints of our work. All images must meet with Harriet's approval, and here's what I have approved so far. Seamas and I are trying to come up with ideas for different types of things we can put our images on to sell besides just prints...any suggestions? In the meantime, I'm working on some new WoT illustrations to see if I can tempt any of you into buying them...and if you have a scene or character in particular you'd like to see, you should let me know! If you're interested in buying prints of my work, just click the link in the upper right corner of my blog to go to my gallery, and make your choice of size, paper, etc.
really good work man, I like your last works . The third image is awesone, I like more the composition and the fatman is uohhhhhhhhhhhhh...jajajaja good work.!!
Hey man big fan of you and Seamas' work! I'm sure I could list a load of scenes from WoT I'd like to see, but first one that comes to mind is in book 10 or 11 I think? When Perrin throws the axe into the tree then sits down to reflect, and Elyas approaches him. Keep up the good work you're an inspiration!
Jeremy. I dig what you and Seamas do. If there's one thing the fans are stoked on at this juncture (other than a new book), its the knowledge that your visions of Wheel of Time will be portrayed in such a fashion as to please the vast majority of the fanbase spectrum. In other words, they got the right guys. A couple of scenes: I'd like to see that part in book one where Mat is curled up on the bed, snarling at Moiraine, about to whip out the dagger, and everyone around him looking pale and worried, by early morning daylight in one of Basel Gills rooms. Another would be on a larger scale of Perrin holding on to Dobraine's reins, boosting for speed as he races towards the battle at Dumai's Wells, axe in hand, wearing grim determination like only Perrin can. Anothter cool one would be to show Egwene polishing floors of the White Tower, and whatever angle you decide, try to capture the puddle she's working on, with her as Amyrlin either in full pose or in action taking down raken in the puddles reflection. Hope to see what you come up with, for sure.
congrats man! how much for a print of the fouth one?
That`s so cool! Congratulations to you both--what an opportunity.
I would like to see a great picture of Rand's apotheosis a top of Dragonmount.
Well there's always the ending of book 6. : )
Heya seamus - I'd love to see a hectic, chaotic image of the battle of dumai wells :)
Amazing illustrations Jeremy, realy aweson!!
See you.
Tam on Dragonmount may be my all time favorite WoT images (I even stole it to win that Photoshop challenge that BS was holding last year)... I just need to convince myself that I have a nice place for it.
Battle of Dumai's Wells.
Not so much the fight but the exact moment where Rand breaks himself out of the box, virtually exploding with the Power.
I'm imagining a freezeframe with like the Aes Sedai in mid air amongst the debris. Powerful moment, gives me the chills!
I would love to see more of the Seanchan. Like maybe the Seanchan court in Tanchico, with Damane and Sul'dam, you know the works.
Also, maybe Egwene looking through the hole in the tower to the clear Dragonmount.
Keep up the great work, I just love your illustrations!
I am insanely excited to buy your work. Thank you so much for making amazing Wheel of Time art!
I like the opening of The Gathering Storm, when Rand walks whistling down the Dragonmount. The Christ like imagery, though too religious for my taste, is stunning, and after the long night gives a ray of hope.
Need these on either pins/buttons or t-shirts
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