Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wheel of Time-Lanfear

An attempt at bringing Lanfear to life.


Adi said...

I think her face looks too hard and I always pictured her with more body to her hair...

Devin V. said...

Looks good it fits your unique take on the characters. Only thing is she is supposed to be the most beautiful woman and I only see that in the eyes...the eyes are awesome. Well I like it dude and appreciate it...cant wait for the next one.

Anonymous said...

she needs to be prettier!

Love youe work though - its amazing!

John said...

I don't envy an attempt to draw the most beautiful woman who ever existed--haha. I saw your cover on Dragonmount and I think it looks great.

Unknown said...

just a tad "pouty" in the lips don't imagine her ever being that and maybe the eyes are a bit hard considering she is suppose to be "the most beautiful girl he's ever seen"

grubber said...

she looks just like an ex-girl of mine.

which is a good thing, now I think about it. she had a lot of lanfear-qualities :)