Monday, May 19, 2008

Where the heck is that jeremy guy...?

I've been a bad blogger, and have nothing but the usual round of excuses to show for it- busy busy, blah blah, busy work busy blah blah. well, here's a little peek at what i've been working on, it's a project for an animated short.


Adi said...

Well, at least he seems to be a very happy guy. Hopefully you are holding up just as well since you are SO busy.

Joseph Lee said...

Lovin' that expression man! Great stuff!

Brandon said...

great concept and character designs. Really inspiring stuff.


Jörn said...

U don't need excuses, 'cause its a good job! An so is your blog! 'll be back.

Anonymous said...

Indiana Jones....Indiana Jones....

JeremySaliba said...

thanks for all the feedback guys! and yes josh, we're all still reeling from this weekends big box office winner.....