Wednesday, January 30, 2008

matte painting

a friend of mine is making a film and needed a matte painting. since he doesnt know any matte artists, he asked me if i could give it a try. how's it look?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

my latest potluck

the contest was for a wild west outlaw, and doc holiday is my favorite. i haven't been posting much besides the potluck entries...but the good news is that i've been busy with work. soon i'll be back in full swing with all sorts of goodies....i hope, heh.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

potluck revision

this week in our potluck contest we did "greek gods."
i chose to do hades, and i did it in kind of a Frazetta style, but with hades alone. enough of the guys suggested i add a lady to the scene, so i did.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hark! a new post!

it's been a nice break. nothing says "relaxation" during the holidays like Padan Fain